

Covid 19
Corona Virus Disease or COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS Cov-19 virus that attacks the respiratory tract. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused many people to worry due to the health problems it causes and its negative impact on people’s health regardless of when someone has been declared free from the virus.
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What Is Mitochondria
Covid 19
What Is Mitochondria?
Mitochondria is part of the cell that functions as a producer of energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). The role of ATP or cellular energy is very important for the body and is needed by organs in order to enforce their duties. For instance, the heart requires energy in order to pump blood throughout the body.

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Mitochondria are typically elliptical in shape with a range in size of 0.5 - 10 μm and consist of several parts that each have their own functions, such as:

1. Mitochondrial outer membrane acts to limit the mitochondria with the cytoplasm
2. The inner membrane of the mitochondria is folded (cristae). This crista is the site for the production of ATP or cellular energy
3. The space among membranes is the place where the reactions that are important for the cell continue
4. Matrix that contains water, DNA, and enzymes that play a role in various reaction processes in the body

Oxidative stress is suspected to be one of the triggers for the mitochondrial function to be declining. One of the causes of oxidative stress is severe inflammation due to viral infection. Declining mitochondrial function can lead to decreasing production of ATP or cellular energy, which can lead to organ dysfunction. If there is a decline in mitochondrial function in pancreatic β cells that cause diabetes mellitus, in neuromuscular cells which cause dementia, in kidney cells which cause kidney disorders, and various disorders in other organs.

The combined components of several products from Biotek Farmasi Indonesia have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, they can also increase cellular energy/ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) thus they can help maintain the body's immunity against diseases. Products from Biotek Farmasi Indonesia are originator products, not imitating existing ones. They were developed based on years of research.

Further information about the products can be found in the product page.
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What is Oxidative Stress
Covid 19
What is Oxidative Stress?
Free radicals in the form of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS), can be generated from various metabolisms in the body (endogenous). Not only from the inside of the body, a person can also be exposed to free radicals from outside of the body (exogenous), such as cigarette smoke, ozone, radiation, and pollution.
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Webinar Biotek Farmasi Indonesia
Covid 19
Webinar Biotek Farmasi Indonesia
Web Seminar “Co-Existing with COVID-19, Surviving with the Current Way or with a Breakthrough Change?” held by PT BIOTEK FARMASI INDONESIA with subtopics:
1. Immune Response and Its Connection with Symptoms of COVID-19, LONG COVID, and New Innovations in order to Help Sufferers, presented by Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, Sp.PD, K-AI
2. COVID-19, LONG COVID Prevention and Treatment, presented by dr.Handoko Gunawan,Sp.P, FCCP
3. A New Paradigm in Merging Eastern and Western Medical Sciences in the Management of COVID-19, LONG COVID, presented by dr. Rinto, DO
4. Testimonial: dr.Darmadi Gunawan Sp.KFR
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What is Insulin and Insulin Resistance
Penyakit Gula
What is Insulin and Insulin Resistance?
Insulin is a hormone produced in the cells of the pancreas, which functions to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. Insulin will help blood glucose into muscle cells, fat, and liver which will then be used as a source of energy.

Then how does insulin work to regulate blood sugar levels in the body?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food consumed every day will be broken down into blood glucose (blood sugar). Blood sugar will then enter the bloodstream, at the same time the pancreatic cells will receive a signal to release insulin. The insulin that is released will bind to the insulin receptor on the outer surface of the cell, then insulin will help the blood sugar to enter the cell.

Blood sugar that enters the cells will be used by the body as a source of energy. Insulin will also give a signal to the liver to store blood sugar in the form of glycogen. Sugar levels in the bloodstream will drop because blood sugar has entered the cells and some is stored as glycogen in the liver. After 4-6 hours after eating, blood sugar will decrease. A decrease in blood sugar triggers the release of the hormone glucagon in the pancreas and suppresses insulin production. The hormone glucagon will signal the liver to break down glycogen into glucose and release it back into the blood so that it can be used again as an energy source.

In certain conditions the body's cells are not sensitive to the hormone insulin, this condition is known as insulin resistance. This insulin resistance causes high blood sugar levels in the body. If a person's blood sugar levels are high, it will cause diabetes mellitus. The cause of insulin resistance is unknown with certainty, but there are several factors that are suspected to be the cause of insulin resistance, namely:
• Obesity
• Lack of physical activity
• The presence of chronic inflammation in certain conditions. Inflammatory mediators can also inhibit signaling at insulin receptors, resulting in insulin resistance

The condition of insulin resistance occurs in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients who experience insulin resistance are at risk of developing cancer. In conditions of insulin resistance, blood sugar levels are still high, the body will give a signal to the pancreas to continue to release insulin so that blood sugar levels can drop. The release of insulin is also followed by the release of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1), the excessive release of IGF-1 triggers the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, therapy that can regulate IGF-1 is also needed in order to prevent cancer.

Dialance is one of the new breakthroughs from Biotek Farmasi Indonesia for diabetes mellitus. Dialance is a hepatic regulator (a product that helps regulate liver function) which, according to an independent scientific journal, its composition can help regulate blood sugar levels, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and IGF-1 effects. This feature will provide benefits for its users, like helping to normalize the body's blood sugar levels, helping to overcome inflammation/inflammation, and helping to overcome liver cell damage due to free radicals, and helping to overcome the growth of cancer cells.

Further information about the product can be seen in the product menu.
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What is HbA1c
Penyakit Gula
What is HbA1c?
HbA1c values are often associated with diabetes mellitus, which is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. HbA1c is one of the parameters used in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and to monitor the therapy of patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The following table shows the HbA1c values.
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What is GFR Glomerulus Filtration Rate
Penyakit Ginjal
What is GFR (Glomerulus Filtration Rate)?
One of the functions of the kidneys is to filter the remnants of metabolism in the body. If there is a decrease in kidney function under certain conditions, the kidneys cannot filter optimally, resulting in kidney failure. One of the diagnoses in patients with kidney failure can refer to the laboratory value of GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate).
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Hybrid Seminar
Covid 19
Hybrid Seminar
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